Homebrewers of Philadelphia and Suburbs

Best of Philly Homebrew Competition

A BJCP Sanctioned Event

(24th in a Series)

Saturday, October 18, 2008     9:30 am
Hosted by: Homebrewers of Philadelphia and Suburbs
Location: Nodding Head Brewery & Restaurant
1516 Sansom St
Philadelphia, PA

Sponsored by Home Sweet Homebrew.
Open to BJCP categories 1-23. Those who wish to enter meads are encouraged to submit them to Valhalla the following weekend.
It is anticipated that prizes will be awarded for 1st place in each category and Best of Show Beer.

Note: HOPS BOPS 2009 will mark our 25th event!!! How many competitions in the US can boast that? Start planning a special beer for that event. We are contemplating a special, non-BJCP category in honor of this occasion. More information will follow!


This year's Sponsors

This list grows as sponsors appear.

Last year's Sponsors

Thanks to everyone who sponsored (listed below), and everyone who entered beers in the 23rd Annual HOPS BOPS Competition.
Thanks for our gracious hosts at the Nodding Head for some fine beer and food. Thanks for fostering the community of homebrewers.
We had 94 entries from around the country. Congratulations to David Grosch of Flemington, NJ for his Best of Show Light Lager.
Keep on Brewin'!
HOPS (Homebrewers of Philadelphia & Suburbs)

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